Monday, November 10, 2014

How Being In Kappa Has Changed My Life

"You would be there perfect sorority girl!" and "You have to RUSH, You would definitely fit in with sorority life!" were just some of the phrases that people would tell me when I was getting ready to go off to college at the University of South Carolina. I was puzzled by what these people meant. From what I had seen in movies, sorority girls just went to parties and threw up weird hand signs to represent which sorority they were in. Didn't seem like something I should make my parents pay for however, I decided to at least give it a chance and signed up for recruitment in the fall. Little did I know, that choice changed my life completely.

"RAH RAH FOR KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA...." was being yelled from behind the doors of the Kappa house on my first day of recruitment. The doors bursted open wide and there were 200+ girls signing out some rah rah song and I thought to myself, "What did I get myself into..." When I took my first step into the door, someone took me by the arm and led me into the house. I was being guided through a tunnel of chanting and singing girls. Some of them even reached out and touched my arm and said, "Welcome to the Kappa house Kenzie!" (I was very confused as to how they knew my name but thats beside the point.) Anyway, once everyone got into the house it got silent and the president came in front of us and spoke about Kappa. I completely dazed off during this and was looking around the house at everyone and everything. I felt comfortable, accepted, and like I was home. As the next week went on and the rounds passed by I went back to Kappa each day. I fell in love with it. However it wasn't until the last day, preference round, that I really knew Kappa was for me. I talked to a girl named Kara Neesen. She was bright, bubbly, and genuine. I told her how I was so nervous about making friends since I came to USC not knowing anyone. I wanted to make sure I was joining a sorority of girls that had the same values as I did and Kara did everything to assure me that Kappa was just that. She told me that she had found her best friends in Kappa and that she couldn't imagine being anywhere else. I wanted to feel just like that and from that point on I knew Kappa was for me. I ran into the voting room, wrote down Kappa, went back to my dorm, and went straight to sleep. Bid Day was the next day and I was beyond excited.

The next day, there I was on the horseshoe, waiting to see what sorority I was in. I closed my eyes, put my hands behind my back and waited for my Pi Chi's to place the t-shirt in my hand. Then they all counted down 3....2.....1... OPEN YOUR EYES! I took the t-shirt from behind my back and opened my eyes... KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA was written across the t-shirt. 
From that day forward I have become apart of such an amazing sisterhood that I can't imagine life without.

The entire Kappa chapter on Bid Day 2013

My roommate, Brooke Gabriel, even ended up joining Kappa too! (Completely unplanned by the way.) We were completely random roommates and have been inseparable ever since this day.
Bid Day 2013

Bid Day 2014

Kappa introduced me to my other half and big sister, Marissa Goldman. We met the day of my first USC football game. Lets just say it was an unforgettable day. And since that day we knew we were the perfect match. She has been there to tell me the "Do's and Don'ts" of college and lets just say I would be very lost without her. She has been an above and beyond amazing person in college. I really have no idea what I would do without her.
As I have just recently become a Big and have Littles of my own, I strive to be half as good of a big as Marissa has been to me.
Kappa Kappa Gamma isn't just about the social functions or the t-shirts. Its about being part of something so much bigger than yourself. I've officially been a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma for a little over a year now. In the past year Kappa has boosted my grades, confidence, my involvement in the community, my personality, and my life. My sisters are some of the most amazing girls I've ever met. These are the people that no matter how many times life pushes me down, they will always be there to pick me back up. I'm beyond thankful for the friends that I have met in Kappa and can't wait to have them by my side for the rest of my time here at USC.

Big/Little Reveal 2014


A Kappa Loving Girl, 
Kenzie Thompson 

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